If you want to learn about goats in general, go to Kambing (Goat) School. The site provides information about goats, breeds, and the goat business. I have yet to find Elmer's farm in their list.

Feeding the animals means gathering enough grass and legumes to fill four of these feeding stands (above).
St. Elmo's is also the brand for the farm's finished products, which includes fresh and flavored milk, soft cheese, feta, and soap (yes, soap).

Milking is done by hand in their makeshift milking platform. As the picture shows, the platform is designed for the ease of the milker. A guillotine type head lock assures the goat will go nowhere.
A few months ago, the farm was troubled with mastitis. Elmer sought help from NDA which promptly provided advise.

Today, Elmer is concentrating on expanding his market and making alliances with other goat raisers.

I'll tell you more about Elmer in the coming months as I'm also inclined to go into the business myself.
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